Trademark Overview


If everyone else can use the same idea, what’s the point of having a unique one? The short solution to this question is one more inquiry “Would you like to turn into the ruler of your business?” On the off chance that the response is indeed, it is imperative to enlist your brand name and shield it from any kind of abuse by an outsider. There can be two different ways of safeguarding your thoughts, possibly you hold them to yourself and forgo back unveiling them, or take a more legitimate and viable step, that is to say, to safeguard them under licensed innovation privileges..

The Indian Trademark Act, 1999, governs trademark registration in India. The Act provides legal protection to registered trademarks and prevents unauthorized use of a trademark by others. The trademark registration process in India is governed by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (CGPDTM).


The brand name enlistment process in India is a multi-step process, which can require as long as year and a half. Here are the means engaged with the cycle:

Brand name Search: Prior to recording a brand name enlistment application, it is crucial for direct a careful inquiry to guarantee that the brand name is accessible for enrollment. A brand name search assists with recognizing any possible contentions with existing brand names.

Brand name Application: When the brand name search is finished, the application for brand name enrollment can be documented with the Indian Brand name Office. The application should incorporate the brand name, the class of labor and products, and the name and address of the candidate.

Assessment: After the brand name application is documented, it is analyzed by the Vault of Brand names. The assessment incorporates a survey of the application for culmination and consistence with the brand name enrollment prerequisites.

Assuming that the brand name application is viewed as in consistence with the brand name enlistment prerequisites, it is distributed in the Brand names Diary. The distribution gives an open door to people in general to go against the brand name enrollment in something like 4 months from the distribution date.

Assuming that no resistance is documented, the brand name enlistment authentication is given by the Brand name Vault. The endorsement is legitimate for quite some time and can be restored endlessly.

Brand name enrollment gives a few advantages to organizations, including:

  • Legitimate Security: Brand name enrollment gives lawful insurance to the brand name proprietor and keeps others from involving a comparative brand name for comparable labor and products.
  • Memorability: Brand name enlistment assists with laying out a brand and separate it from the contenders. It assists clients with perceiving and partner the brand name with the business.
  • Business Worth: Brand name enrollment can build the business worth of a business by giving an immaterial resource that can be utilized as guarantee for credits and other monetary exchanges.
  • Cross country Insurance: Brand name enrollment gives cross country security, and that implies that the brand name proprietor can keep others from utilizing a comparative brand name all through India.

We provide diverse services in the Trademark field including:

  • Trademark Searches in more than 100 countries
  • Proprietor/ Owner/ Applicant searches
  • Drafting specification of goods and services
  • Trademark Application
  • International Registration under Madrid Agreement
  • Convention Trademark Filing in other countries
  • International Registrations (IR) designating India
  • Provisional Refusals response and handling
  • Trademark prosecution
  • Trademark registration
  • Trademark watch in more than 100 countries
  • Response to Office Action
  • Trademark hearings
  • Renewal services
  • Portfolio Management
  • Assignment Recordals
  • Licensing and Recordals
  • Due Diligence
  • Trademark Oppositions
  • Trademark Cancellations
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